H-1135 Budapest, Szabolcs utca 33.

Tel.: (1) 8869-300, General information: 1812

E-mail: info@egeszsegvonal.gov.hu

Mail: 1372 P.O. Box: 450.


Mellékhatás bejelentő
NOR keresőfelület Minőségi kifogás
magisztrális gyógyszerek

Withdrawal, suspension

In the interest of public health it may be necessary to withdraw a batch of medicinal products from the market as soon as possible. All authorised manufacturers are obliged to make an effective a system for withdrawing activities. The Marketing Authorisation Holder is obliged to notify the competent authority about all defects or other factors which may result in the withdrawal of a medicine from the market.

The list of withdrawals and suspensions available only in Hungarian: https://ogyei.gov.hu/kivonas_felfuggesztes/

Last updated: 2014.01.13 12:05